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Photo gallery of Positano in Italy

Positano and its bright colours.

The colourful dwellings of Positano climb up upon the sides of the mountain and seem almost to hold each other up.And at the sunset the fishing boats take the sea with great lanterns on the bow: they fish anchovies and cuttle-fish. Then, the nightlife of Positano is absolutely unique and You cannot miss enjoying a good dish of fish in one of the restaurants on the beach. From this charming town it is easy to reach also the other famous places of the area: the National Road 163 takes to Sorrento on one side and Amalfi, Ravello, Vietri and Salerno on the other side.

Photo of Positano in the evening.

The nightlife of Positano is the most beautiful moment for this small and very refined town, which is enjoyable in the best way with the moonlight. The centre is pedestrian. Nowadays, this town is one of the most well-known seaside-resorts on the Amalfi Coast and it is especially popular with artists from all over the world. They appreciate its houses, the majority white, clustering in picturesque confusion, on the seaward slope of the steep hill. Many painters, indeed, came to Positano for just a few days and stayed there for the rest of their lives.

Typical view of Positano.

Positano is one of the most famous and elegant localities on the Amalfi coast, with its houses clustering in picturesque confusion on the seaward slope of a steep hill. Positano is especially popular with artists from all over the world. The writer John Steinbeck wrote: "Positano leaves a deep mark on those who visit it. It is a dreamland that doesn't seem true so long as You are there, but once You have left it, its deep reality strikes You nostalgically."

Night view of Positano that combines the features of the town

Coast, beach and the houses clinging to the mountain-side. This small town has quite a grandiose past. As part of the Republic of Amalfi, it played an important role in the preparation of the first written collection of maritime codes that laid down the rights of seamen. But actually nowadays, what can we do there? Nothing: but in a big way. There people come for the sea, to meet the elect few in the private villas, to dance in the night clubs, to chat in the sun or to walk in the narrow streets. It is a nice oasis of peace, where there are no motor-cars and where life has a different rythm and altogether a different meaning.

A street of Positano.

Some of the features whick make Positano one of the finest places on the Amalfi coast are its social life, its colours, its perennially blue sky and its picturesque houses, which are so close to the steep slope that they appear to be helping each other to clamber up the hillside. The writer John Steinbeck wrote: "When You happen to come across a place as beautiful as Positano, the first, instinctive reaction is to keep the discovery to yourself."

Picturesque view of Positano.

Among Positano's architectural features are three outer towers built for protection and five inner towers of great historical interest. Also worthy of note are the church of Santa Maria Assunta and the beautiful Roman villa. Positano also has several gardens, and all in all is to be considered one of the most interesting places for the tourist on the Amalfi coast.

General view of Positano.

Without doubt, the beauty of the Amalfi coast-line is unequalled . Positano, Amalfi and Ravello have in common the history of the sea which they overlook. A Positano legend says that one night a Saracen sailing vessel that had stolen the precious painting of the Madonna suddenly found itself in the midst of a furious storm off the Positano coast. Moreover the sailors heard a mysterious voice apparently born of the wind repeatedly said : "Posa, posa" (Lay me down). The pirates became aware of having committed a sacrilege, repented came back ashore and take back the Painting to the village, that since that day took the name of Positano from the "Posa, posa" uttered by its Madonna.

A view of the typical pathways of Positano.

Walking around the stairs or pathways of Positano is a very pleasant experience, amazing views are around every corner. In the XVI and XVII centuries Positano became a very prosperous town. Its ships sailed all the seas, trading with the countries of the near and Middle East, transporting spices and silks and the precious woods so much sought after in the West.

Via Santa Lucia, 15
CAP 80067 - Sorrento (Naples)
ITALY -P.Iva 04450101219

Mob.: (+39) 3339854117
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